Emilia Romagna Alliance of Filipino Communities - OFW WATCH ITALY Regional Chapter ELECTION IN FERRARA
By: Dittz Centeno-De Jesus
Pictures: CTTO- Gene De Jesus, Delia Ramos, Joy Cordova

The election of officers of the EMILIA ROMAGNA ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO COMMUNITIES, was successfully held at Sacra Famiglia Parish Compound at Via Recchi 8 in Ferrara this September 12, 2021.

The important event was attended by member organizations such as the Federation of Filipino Associations of Bologna (FEDFAB), Filipino Christian Community of Bologna (FCCB) and Filipino Women's League (FWL), Maharlika Community Filippina of Forli-Cesena, Mabuhay Association Italo-Filippina of Ravenna, Filipino Community Romagna Chapter (FCRC) of Rimini, Federazione delle Associazione Filippine di Modena (FEDAFILMO), Filipino Association in Ferrara (FAF) and Circle of Friends (COF) of Ferrara. Although the organization of Bahaghari ASD of Reggio Emilia was not able to attend, they extended their solidarity and support to the Alliance.

The entire event was sponsored by Ferrara’s CIRCLE OF FRIENDS led by FELY CADUYAC and LOTLOT DE MESA. The day also coincided with the birthday celebration of COF Chairperson Fely and the holding of their Volleyball Tournament in the afternoon. The COF Dangerous Dancers also presented a lively dance number. The master of ceremony was the young COF member , Cherry Pearl Bolanos.

The election was presided over by ERAFILCOM outgoing Vice-President, BENNY LAUZON of FCCB Bologna, who acted as the COMELEC Chairperson and the members were MARINA RAMOS of Bologna and JOY CORDOVA of Ferrara. Voting was thru secret ballots and also calling by phone the official voters who were not present.
The new elected officers are: FELY LOPEZ GAYO-President, FLORIAN ARANDELA-Vice- President (Internal), VIRGILIO CESARIO -Vice-President (External), MARGIE RAMIREZ – Vice-President (Women’s Sector), MARIVIC GALVE-Secretary, MARY CRIS COCJIN -Treasurer, FELY CADUYAC -Auditor, and DAISY DEL VALLE – Public Relations Officer.
The main goal of ERAFILCOM is to unite Filipino organizations in the Emilia Romagna Region. It aims also to hold regional activities such as the annual Independence Day celebration, sports, arts and culture events . Another objective is to have a voice for the protection and promotion of the rights and welfare of workers in the region. ERAFILCOM is the regional chapter of the national organization, OFW WATCH ITALY.
